CCRA: The First C - Create

I think of theories more than I think of most things and at this point in my life, I accept them as the norm. The puzzle of life can be solved in so many ways and, somehow, along the way I developed an insatiable urge to understand Life and its inner workings.

One such inner working is the Creation Cycle. I’ve known myself to begin many things but finish far fewer of them. But many of those thousand things deserve to be seen and known. However, it is up to me and me alone to complete the cycle.
Creation is where it all began. It is the birthing of an idea, the spark that ignites and illuminates the infinite void within. This thing is far too precious to remain hidden so by whatever means available, you carve that idea into this physical realm. The unfortunate part is that the beginning is not enough. This pupa must transform and move from being ground-bound to being sky priority.
In this pupa phase, though, exists infinite potential easily unlocked with focus. To exploit these potentialities, allow them all to swarm you. Brace and hold on through the cacophony of ideas. And if your mind is the opposite, then stay ready to grab the stray one that may wander by.
All great things began here in this phase.

Contemplate. Create your next Masterpiece.
