The Invisible Will

What has no hands yet holds the fate of your life in its fingers?

I once thought that man was the apex of Creation, but it is not Man, it is Mind. All things were first born as thoughts, and a thought can only be held in Mind. Thought is not matter, yet it uses matter to form itself. Thought itself is invisible, but uses the visible to give itself form. With an open mind, all of the world is at your disposal.

However, openness of mind is not enough to conquer the crucible of existence. One’s strength and resilience must be tested again and again, because all of life exists in a cycle. Passing a test once is not proof of knowledge, rather, it is a snapshot of one’s awareness at a given point in time. My daily lessons with the language app DuoLingo, reminds me that the basics must be revisited time and again for the simple purpose of remembrance. If one can pass a test again and again, it proves, by experience, the strength and awareness that has been retained throughout prior tests. But aside from conjugations and foreign greetings, there are other tests that I undergo on a daily basis and that are the battle of my will.
It wasn’t until I was alone at night —every other occupant collapsed and recuperating— that I was able to sit with my thoughts and act with no concern to the others around. It was in that silent space, amid midnight urges, that I discovered the essence of Will. Like Thought, it is invisible to the eye, but unlike Thought, it cannot be seen. Instead it is felt, like the invisible Instinct and Intuition. I found that Will is the sensation of choice, and the more Noticeable Will is, the more difficult the present decision. Easy decisions take little Will to be made, so the great comfort of lethargy comes from its avoidance of the Will. But when desires are warded away and constructive activity is undergone, the Will required is apparent and rumored to be exhaustible. I choose, with my Will, to disagree and declare my infinite Will to be valiant and endless. I must simply heed to its gentle nudges and follow the path of least resistance. I must allow myself to live a life of relative ease, so that my expulsion of energy can be sharp and focused when I so desire to Will my way through frustrations and hesitations.

That which has no fingers yet holds one’s fate is merely control over one’s mind and its array of fascinating faculties. I implore all who read this to train the Finite until it becomes Infinite.