My Offering to Earth

For more than 3 years, I’ve been journaling my life and it has honestly been one of the greatest ideas I’ve ever had. It has its own degree of tedium to it —each entry taking about 23 minutes average to write— but when returning to times long forgotten, the words I sacrificed my time to write can still conjure the details of the day.

I’ve decided to start sharing them as a way to allow the world at large a peek into the mind I’ve made. I add to it every day, and even consider these online entries apart of my personal canon. In them, I explore aspects of existence that bewilder or amaze me. I scour the expanse of my infinite mind and seek the wisdom that comes from within. I won’t be posting them in chronological order, but I’ll make sure to include the year that I wrote them to give an accurate point of reference to where I am now.

I am honored to share these thoughts with the world, and I pray that they don’t benefit only me, for the answers I looked for led me to a life of service and unlimited peace, love, and light.
